S2E2 – Building Your Network

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Season 2, Minisode 2: Building Your Network

Networking does not have to mean walking around a conference with business cards and a sales pitch. In fact, this is not a very effective way to network. In the second installment of our minisode series, Dr. Blaire Koerner explains how to build your network organically. Who will your targets, supports, allies, and mentors be?

Host: Stephen Biegner
Guest: Dr. Blaire Koerner, IML Assistant Director
Mixing, Mastering: Stephen Biegner
Intro & Incidental Music: Stephen Biegner
Outro Music: Alexa Silverman
Transcript: Emma Gierszal

Links: To make an appointment with Blaire:

Current Students – can sign up via Handshake or email bkoerner@ur.rochester.edu

Alumni – email bkoerner@ur.rochester.edu

Contact Stephen with questions, comments, or ideas for new episodes.

IML Contact Information