The Institute for Music Leadership creates career and leadership development opportunities for musicians on and off the stage.
IML News
Billboard Names Eastman as a 2024 Top Music Business School
Billboard named the Eastman School of Music as a 2024 Top Music Business School for its Institute for Music Leadership and Beal Institute for Film and Contemporary Media programs!
Arts Leadership Certificate
Featured Grant Winner

HaEun Yang and Dongwon Shin won a grant to support performing and recording piano duet and two-piano works by the living composer Gabriela Lena Frank. Known for her distinctive blend of cultural influences, Frank draws from her rich multicultural heritage, which includes Peruvian, Chinese, Lithuanian-Jewish, and American roots. Her works explore themes of identity, community, and cultural fusion. By recording and sharing her music, the Shin & Yang duo aim to enhance her visibility in the classical music world and contribute to a richer, more inclusive repertoire. This project underscores why diversity in music matters and reinforces our commitment to amplifying the voices of contemporary women composers.
Shin & Yang Duo, Winners of an IML Mentorship Grant