The Institute for Music Leadership held their annual Academy, Bootcamp, and Conference in June. The Academy was attended by 19 collegiate level students from across the country and beyond, engaging in activity-based workshops to learn about nonprofit management, missions, finance, cultural humility, and community engagement. In addition to IML team Rachel Roberts ‘03E and Jeff Dunn ’14 (MM), ’23 (DMA), we are appreciative to the keynote speakers, Monique Van Willingh from the New England Conservatory, and Sarah Forestieri ’19E (MM).
The Bootcamp cohort featured 19 advancing leaders working in the field with performing arts organizations, ensembles, and educational nonprofits. The cohort met twice a day for intensive sessions, covering topics of fundraising, finance, law, equity and inclusion, leadership as they relate to the individual and musical enterprise. The IML thanks the faculty of the Master of Arts in Music Leadership degree, including Lisa French ‘03E, Toni Paz, Ari Solotoff, Rachel Roberts, and additional presenters Dean Jamal Rossi and Dr. Crystal Sellers Battle for an informative and engaging Bootcamp!
The Conference was hosted on campus and attended by 18 faculty, department chairs, and deans from across the US, learning together about leadership and the challenges that face higher education today. Many thanks to Dean Jamal Rossi, Dean Susan Van Vorst (Baldwin Wallace University), and Dean David Gier (University of Michigan) for their expertise, as well as additional presenters Dr. Pete Jutras (University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory), Dr. Crystal Sellers Battle, and IML Director Rachel Roberts.
An extra special thanks to all of our campus colleagues that made the Conference a wonderful experience for the attendees: Mark Wazowicz, Alex Reynolds and the T&MP team, Paul Spaulding and Mary Santiago and the Facilities team, and Julia Ng, Jenna Kent, Mike Dziakonas and the Concert Office team, Jessica Kaufman, Michael Sherman, Luke Juntunen and the Communications team. Last, but certainly not least, the IML shares a tremendous thanks to Jeff Dunn for his exceptional coordination of all three events.
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