Sammy DeAngelis – 3D Percussion

Sammy DeAngelis – 3D Percussion

Sammy DeAngelis used their Special Opportunity Grant during the Summer of 2024 to support 3D Percussion’s first recording and materials for a website! The group, under DeAngelis’s direction, used funding to design a website, buy a domain, hired someone to make a logo, paid for headshots, commissioned a composer, and recorded audio and video for the same newly commissioned work. While much of the behind-the-scenes of this project were spearheaded by DeAngelis and 3D Percussion themselves, the experience helped them put together a project of their own, for which they had to learn essential marketing and networking skills. As of this time, 3D Percussion has two confirmed residencies – University of Arkansas Fort Smith, and Oklahoma City University. 


“The special opportunity grant helped 3D Percussion launch our initial project of collaboration by providing us the funding to record materials for future residencies. We’re so thankful for the opportunity and will use this experience to better future projects to help launch our career. Thank you!”

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