Floris Van der Veken – XIX World Saxophone Congress 2023

Floris Van der Veken was thrilled to be able to attend the XIX World Saxophone Congress in the Fall of 2023. Both in an effort to expand their professional network and have an active voice in the Saxophone community, this opportunity allowed Van der Veken to enrich and grow their individual artistic practice and stay tuned-in to the latest repertoire developments. While the Congress was not a new creation, the program – like many – was forced on a hiatus during the pandemic. After five years of tireless behind-the-scenes work, the Congress was finally picked up again; its first year back was the year in which Van der Verken was in attendance. Their biggest insight for this experience was the skill of which networking itself demands. Hesitant at first to make the first move, by the end of their program Floris made life-long connections with industry professionals. 


“The saxophone community has waited five years for another congress like this one, and it enables you to connect with almost every single famous player out there. I saw the premieres of new major concertos, tried out the latest instrument-technical developments, made promises for future projects, and so much more. It felt as if I saw the future of the instrument being shaped, and more importantly, I can take part in it.”