Emilie Tupper and the Kilbourn Quartet: Storytellers A Student Composition Workshop

Emilie Tupper and the Kilbourn Quartet: Storytellers A Student Composition Workshop

Emilie Tupper (B.M. Applied Music, violin) won a grant for her project “Storytellers: A Student Composition Workshop.” Emilie’s quartet, the Kilbourn Quartet, will be working with 2ndand 3rdgrade students at the Children’s School of Rochester No. 15 to create a collaborative composition along with Clayton Trumbull (B.M. Composition). Performances will be held at the school and the Winton Public Library. The Kilbourn Quartet also includes Chloe Yofan (B.M. Applied Music), Wednesday Hsu (B.M. Applied Music and B.A. Digital Media Studies) , and Noah Janowicz (B.M. Applied Music).

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