Dalanie Harris: Black Music in a Racialized Society

Dalanie Harris: Black Music in a Racialized Society

When Dalanie Harris transferred to the Eastman School of Music from the University of Rochester, they found it difficult to transition. Coming from a community that was mostly Black and 95% people of color, they found no opportunities to study with Black professors, a lack of Black classical artist representation, and no Black Student Union. It was their African American Studies at the University of Rochester that kept them grounded and led them to question the duality of their college experience and if there was a way to combine it. This inspired the creation of the Classically Black Podcast, a weekly podcast that blended humor, classical music, Black history, and culture. To expand on their podcast, Harris used the PRJC grant to complete a research project that focused on the contributions of Black musicians to American music in the racialized society we know today. By focusing on Black artists, Harris highlights the role in which Black culture has contributed to music today and the relationship between race and music.

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