PRJC Evaluation Form

Evaluator Name
Musical Excellence
Inspired Concept/Mission
Value to Community
Value to Field
Overall Rating

Evaluation Criteria

Musical Excellence

Does the project have evidence of, or support, musical excellence?

Inspired Concept/Mission

Does the concept have an inspired concept, sense of mission, and reflect a genuine enthusiasm of

the applicant?

Value to Community

Does the project provide value to a community (e.g., civic community, artistic community, learning

community, disenfranchised community, etc.)? Does it support efforts in diversity, equity, and


Value to Field
Does the project provide value to the field of music (e.g., performance, education, scholarly, etc.)?

Does the project team (or individual) have the capacity to implement the project (e.g., realistic

budget and timeline, required professional and personal skills, access to resources,

partners/collaborators, appropriate authority/permissions)?

Does the project have the potential to be sustainable, or is it a single stand-alone event?
Overall rating
Taking all factors into account, what is your overall rating of this project proposal?