Understanding Musicians’ Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence and Creativity in Music Making

As part of an NSF-funded research project Toward an Ecosystem of Artificial-intelligence-powered Music Production (TEAMuP), University of Rochester and Eastman School of Music are studying the influences of generative AI and its implications on musicians and their work, and more specifically, the factors that influence perceptions related to generative AI in music. If you are a musician, please complete this 15-20 minute surveyThe survey focuses on your experiences and perceptions of AI and current uses of AI for music and music production. The survey is being administered via Qualtrics to up to approximately 3000 stakeholders within the music industry and all information shared will remain confidential. The first page of the survey is an Information Sheet that provides you with more details about this research project as well as articulates expectations for your role and rights as a participant in this study. Deadline to complete the survey is April 15.  To learn more, go here