Eastman Leadership Conference and Academy: Preparing the Next Generation of Music School Leaders

February 14, 2018 In: PRJC News, Sound Bits

Why Should People Come to Your Concert?

February 7, 2018 In: Sound Bits

4 Steps to Help Your Ensemble Get Organized in 2018

January 31, 2018 In: Sound Bits

Is Your Resume up to Date? Here are Three Tips to Spruce it Up

January 24, 2018 In: Sound Bits

A Free eBook That Can Change the Way You Think About Your Music Career

January 17, 2018 In: Sound Bits

Spotlight on Innovation: Improv-A-Day

January 10, 2018 In: Sound Bits

4 Ways To Be More Innovative in 2018

January 3, 2018 In: Sound Bits

Career Tip: Know Your Role

December 13, 2017 In: Sound Bits

Recommended: Creative Productivity Challenge via Facebook Live

November 29, 2017 In: Sound Bits

What Are You Thankful For? Here’s a Thanksgiving Challenge!

November 14, 2017 In: Sound Bits