After the Premiere

February 26, 2018 In: Ahead of the Beat

This post was written by Ian Antonio, a percussionist and founding member of Yarn/Wire, recipients of a 2017 Paul R. Judy Center Grant. On December 2nd of last year, Yarn/Wire, with the support of the Paul R. Judy Center Grant from the Eastman School of Music, presented the sixth installment of our ongoing ‘Currents’ series. […]

Every Day is Interview Day

February 21, 2018 In: Sound Bits

At least for freelancers, this is essentially true. When your “employers” are a wide range of contractors, venues, presenters, universities, and other organizations that hire musicians, it is important to be making a good impression on everyone you interact with in a professional setting. Academics talk about the interview process for a professorship – how […]

Eastman Leadership Conference and Academy: Preparing the Next Generation of Music School Leaders

February 14, 2018 In: PRJC News, Sound Bits

March 1 is an important deadline for both of these opportunities – check them out below! Eastman Leadership Conference | June 20-23, 2018 | Rochester, NY Leadership and administration in music schools comes with unique challenges.  The Eastman Leadership Conference provides music school leaders and administrators essential information and experiences to help them meet these challenges.  […]

Why Should People Come to Your Concert?

February 7, 2018 In: Sound Bits

This is a crucial question that I think we all need to ask ourselves when planning and marketing concerts and other live events. Why should people come? What about this event is truly unique, or great, or captivating, or something? If we don’t have a good answer for that, how can we expect people to […]

4 Steps to Help Your Ensemble Get Organized in 2018

January 31, 2018 In: Sound Bits

Let’s jump right in: Review and Update Ensemble Procedures: Do you have a “Roles and Responsibilities” document? Operational Plan? Review these and update accordingly.  If you don’t have a document that specifies roles and responsibilities for your ensemble, consider creating one. This document should lay out the positions within your ensemble, what each individual is […]

Is Your Resume up to Date? Here are Three Tips to Spruce it Up

January 24, 2018 In: Sound Bits

How often do you update your resume (or CV)? Just when you need to submit it for something and then you wish you had been keeping up with it more regularly? Ah, yes. Alas, we often have more pressing things to do with our time than keep these documents ultra fresh. But, you may want […]

A Free eBook That Can Change the Way You Think About Your Music Career

January 17, 2018 In: Sound Bits

“Making Your Life as an Artist” is a super valuable (and free!) ebook from Artist U.  I came across it a couple of years ago and have shared it with many people, who always seem to benefit from the fresh perspectives included in the pages of this ebook.  The book was written by choreographer Andrew […]

An 8-Step Guide to Creating Your Next Music Project

January 15, 2018 In: Ahead of the Beat

This post was written by percussionist/composer/arts entrepreneur Maria Finkelmeier.  Based in Boston, she manages a steady stream of projects that incorporate her talents as a performer, composer, and project designer. For more info, visit A project-based lifestyle goes beyond the parameters of the more common and discussed “gig economy” – in which musicians, artists, creatives, […]

Spotlight on Innovation: Improv-A-Day

January 10, 2018 In: Sound Bits

Would you consider your use of social media to be innovative? Creative? Do you think there is an opportunity to use social media in innovative ways that might help give your work extra exposure or lead to new opportunities? I think so!  Take a look at ImprovAday on Instagram – percussionist Maria Finkelmeier came up […]

4 Ways To Be More Innovative in 2018

January 3, 2018 In: Sound Bits

Is 2018 the year that you (or your ensemble, your organization) are going to launch that creative idea you have been working on? Or maybe you hope to grow/expand an existing idea or project this year.  One thing is for sure – we could all benefit from thinking like innovators and upping our innovation game […]