Stress, Science, Saliva, and a Symphony (with Teacher Notes and Instructions)
The Phoenix Symphony, Arizona’s only full-time professional orchestra, places a high priority on enhancing the quality of civic life and engaging with communities through music outside the concert hall. The organization has had success with an education initiative that has shown positive results. Other grant-funded programs have focused on wellness and have brought live music to hospitals, homeless shelters, and specialized healthcare facilities. The case focuses in particular on the symphony’s e orts to improve the lives of those su ering from Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The Phoenix Symphony developed a consortium of research and health care partners. The group launched a pilot study intended to lower stress of patients and their caregivers through interventions of live music. Encouraging results have led to subsequent phases of the study. The symphony’s management considers a host of questions concerning how the Alzheimer’s program might expand.
Author: Michael Alan Anderson
Published: Volume 7, Fall 2019
Details: PDF Download – 10 pages plus Appendices
ISSN: 2475-4994
This Case Study bundle includes one copy of the associated Teacher Notes and Teacher Instructions.