Omaha Under the Radar: Localizing an Experimental Arts Festival
Omaha Under the Radar is an experimental arts festival that seeks to empower leading-edge performers in Nebraska’s largest city and educate local audiences through avant-garde programs. The early success of the summer festival has rested on its innovative programming, venue partnerships, and community education. In addition to the local artists it promotes, Omaha Under the Radar solicits performers from around the country to contribute to the festival. This study examines how the festival organizers continue to focus on the local community in the face of increasing national interest from outside performers. The case concludes with a scenario involving a large, unrestricted gift that could challenge the organizational priorities of the festival.
Author: Phil Pierick
Published: Volume 3, Summer 2017
Details: PDF Download – 8 pages plus Appendix
ISSN: 2475-4994
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