Changing the Culture and the Redefining the Detroit Symphony Orchestra (with Teacher Notes and Instructions)
In the last decade, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra has changed the way it does business. The DSO’s creative methods of thinking, planning, and communicating collectively as an organization have fostered an entirely new leadership dynamic that thrives amidst cross-constituent work. This case study explores the DSO’s organizational changes over the ten years following a six-month strike in 2010-2011, focusing specifically on decision-making relative to financial planning, organizational planning, community relationships, and programming initiatives. The case invites learners to assess the original strategic planning document, Blueprint 2023, and create plans for Blueprint 2.0 that will continue to guide the DSO’s planning and program growth relative to financial considerations.
Author: Rachel Roberts
Published: Volume 8, Spring 2020
Details: PDF Download – 14 pages plus Appendices
ISSN: 2475-4994