Have Your Price in Mind

February 7, 2011 In: Gigs, Negotiation

And they could sell tickets to staff meetings!

February 4, 2011 In: Labor law, Labor relations, Orchestra Economics, Videos

Tea leaves in Detroit

February 3, 2011 In: Labor relations, Orchestra Economics, What They Think About Us

When Die Walküre meets Den Schneesturm

February 2, 2011 In: Uncategorized

Dinosaurs falling from the sky in theater-land?

February 1, 2011 In: Uncategorized

Don’t Make Money the Number One Objective—Learn To Wait

January 31, 2011 In: Entrepreneurship

This isn't good….

January 27, 2011 In: Uncategorized

Cry me a river

January 25, 2011 In: Pundits

Act Like a Business

January 24, 2011 In: Running a Successful Business--You, Inc.

Dear Edna, I have a question…

In: OnCampus, The Future