Is a tree embarrassed if it doesn't hear itself fall?

November 12, 2012 In: Labor relations, The Apocalypse, Uncategorized

Managements not part of the reality-based community

November 9, 2012 In: Careers, Labor relations, Negotiation, Orchestra Economics, Orchestral Models, Sustainability, The Apocalypse

Who's Afraid of Popular Culture?

November 7, 2012 In: Classical Music, Income Streams, Orchestra Economics, Orchestral Models, Sustainability, The Future

What the election tells us about the press

November 6, 2012 In: Labor relations, The Apocalypse, What They Think About Us

A Map To Reading And Finding Topics In Harmony: Eight Years of Research, Studies, and Articles

November 2, 2012 In: Editor's Choice, Uncategorized

Why Music Is Important: The Orchestra Crisis

October 28, 2012 In: Uncategorized

Headline of the year

October 27, 2012 In: What They Think About Us

When bad boards happen to good orchestras

October 26, 2012 In: Orchestra Economics, Sustainability, The Apocalypse

Hartford Symphony & Chorale on Chinese Television

October 24, 2012 In: Performances, Uncategorized

Another day, another conspiracy theory

October 23, 2012 In: Labor relations, Pundits, Resctructuring, The Apocalypse, What They Think About Us