NLRB happens

December 3, 2012 In: Labor law, Labor relations, Legal, Orchestra Management

Why no impasse in Minnesota?

November 30, 2012 In: Labor law, Labor relations, Orchestra Economics, solvency, The Apocalypse

Life and Work in Symphony Orchestras

In: Editor's Choice

The Empire strikes back

November 29, 2012 In: Labor relations, Orchestral Models, The Apocalypse, Uncategorized

New York Times Sunday Dialogue: Is Classical Music Dying?

November 28, 2012 In: Classical Music, solvency, What They Think About Us

Cooking the books

November 26, 2012 In: Labor relations, Sustainability, The Apocalypse, Uncategorized, What They Think About Us

Beyond Prestige

November 21, 2012 In: Conducting, Labor relations, Local, Negotiation, Orchestra Management, Resctructuring, Sustainability

Osmo joins the party

November 16, 2012 In: Labor relations, Professionalism, Sustainability, The Apocalypse, Uncategorized, What They Think About Us

Things Are Seldom What They Seem: The Wisdom of Dr. Alice Brandfonbrener

November 15, 2012 In: Editor's Choice

An assumption too far

November 14, 2012 In: Labor relations, Negotiation, Orchestra Economics, Professionalism, The Apocalypse