League Conference 2013: Learning from New Ensembles

July 25, 2013 In: Discoveries, Entrepreneurship, Musicans as Brands, Orchestral Models, Paul R. Judy Center for Applied Research, Performances

An historic day for the AFM

July 24, 2013 In: Uncategorized

NEA Under Attack Yet Again

In: Arts Advocacy

League Conference: A Conversation with Greg Sandow

July 23, 2013 In: Discoveries, Orchestra Management, Performances, Ten Years Later, The Future

(Re)Envisioning the Orchestra: An Interview with Eric Jacobsen, Conductor and Founding Cellist of The Knights

July 22, 2013 In: Editor's Choice

What happens in Vegas might matter to you

In: Da Union, Labor law, Labor relations

Mediation in Minnesota

July 20, 2013 In: Labor relations, Orchestra Economics, The Apocalypse

League Conference: Elizabeth Merritt's Keynote Address

July 15, 2013 In: Arts Advocacy, The Future

Annual Return to Boston Symphony Violin Section

July 10, 2013 In: Orchestra Life, Performances

League Conference: A Conversation with Peter Pastreich

July 9, 2013 In: Labor relations, Orchestra Economics, Orchestra Life, Orchestra Management