Paul Boulian: The Economic Reality of Orchestras

October 1, 2013 In: Editor's Choice, Orchestra Economics, Resctructuring, solvency

No good news from the Northern Front (with update)

September 30, 2013 In: Labor relations, Orchestra Economics, Sustainability, The Apocalypse

Did You Mean to Do That? — A Traveler's Reflections

September 19, 2013 In: Uncategorized

New York Philharmonic Young Peoples' Concerts

September 18, 2013 In: Editor's Choice

Why not try negotiating? (with update)

September 11, 2013 In: Labor relations, Orchestra Economics, Orchestral Models

The Getty Health and Wellness Programs

September 10, 2013 In: Health & Wellness, Music Medicine

On Star Wars and the Baby Boomers

September 9, 2013 In: Orchestra Economics, Resctructuring, The Future, Uncategorized

Bought and paid for

September 5, 2013 In: Compromised Integrity, Labor relations, Orchestra Economics, Orchestra Management, Resctructuring, solvency, Sustainability, The Apocalypse

Explorations of Teamwork: The Lahti Symphony Orchestra

September 3, 2013 In: Editor's Choice, Orchestra Life, Orchestra Management, Orchestral Models

About that New Republic article

In: Community Engagement, History, Income Streams, Orchestra Economics, Pundits, The Future, What They Think About Us