Experimenting with the Concert Experience: How Orchestras Are Being Creative

July 30, 2014 In: Community Engagement, Orchestra Life, Orchestral Models

Donald Rosenberg's Take on "Spring for Music"

July 28, 2014 In: Classical Music, Orchestra Life, Performances

Well-Traveled Baggage: A Seasoned Violinist Gets Sentimental about his BSO Experience

July 21, 2014 In: Instruments, Orchestra Life, Travel

Dominant and Tonic: Rethinking the Role of the Music Director

July 17, 2014 In: Conducting, Editor's Choice

Call for Guest Blog Posts!

July 15, 2014 In: Miscellaneous

Can We Sell Classical Music By Making it “Cool”?

July 3, 2014 In: Classical Music

Separate But Equal

July 2, 2014 In: Editor's Choice

Virtual Wagner done right

June 9, 2014 In: Alternative Ensembles, bloopers, Conducting, The Apocalypse

League Announces 2013-2014 ASCAP Awards

June 6, 2014 In: Composition, Performances

Newsflash: conductor doesn't like unions

June 2, 2014 In: Careers, Conducting, Da Union, Entrepreneurship, Hiring and Firing, Labor relations, Orchestra Life, Orchestral Models