Orchestras turned upside-down

September 12, 2014 In: Orchestral Models, The Future

Symphonie Addictique?

September 9, 2014 In: Health & Wellness, Music Medicine, Orchestra Life, Professionalism

Who Won the Met Negotiations?

September 5, 2014 In: Labor relations, solvency, Sustainability, What They Think About Us

You Are Your Best Audience

August 25, 2014 In: Classical Music, OnCampus, Staying informed

A Note to Me: D.C.

August 21, 2014 In: Back to School, Careers, Education, Entrepreneurship, Higher Education, Musicians Today, OnCampus, Students

The NFL jumps the shark

August 20, 2014 In: Compromised Integrity, Labor relations, The Apocalypse

Ranking Music Schools: What's Wrong with This Picture?

August 18, 2014 In: Back to School, Education, Higher Education, Staying informed, Students

Some revisionist history from the AFM

August 13, 2014 In: Da Union, Orchestra Economics, Recording Industry

Simply Sitting Better: Looking At the Pelvis

August 11, 2014 In: Health & Wellness

Moving Forward

August 4, 2014 In: Careers, Editor's Choice