“You’ve Cott Mail”
One of the listservs to which I belong is Thomas Cott’s, “You’ve Cott Mail.” As Cott says, “It’s a free service for professionals in the arts,” and he sends it most weekdays. I’m interested in it because it doesn’t just cover music, and we musicians can learn from our brethren in other areas of the arts world. The other interesting thing to me is he doesn’t editorialize. He collects articles and blogs from all over the web and presents similar content under a theme or title. There are usually 3-4 entries each day. Cott will sometimes summarize an article, but if they are short they are presented in full, and always with a link to the source. Today’s topic (Tues, Jan 24) was: Dealing with Negative Feedback, and the sources cited were:
Dealing with negative feedback on social media Rebecca Coleman on her blog, 1/23/12
Tuning out negative comments online Michelle, Talenthouse blog, 11/29/11
Why a negative review may not be so bad after all Matt Rhodes, eConsultancy.com, 6/8/11
Here is a sampling of other recent Cott posts.
Tues, Dec 13: When/How Will Arts Address Lack of Diversity?
Thurs, Aug 25: Double-Dip Recession & The Arts
Tues, Nov 29: Let’s Talk Tourism
Tues, Nov 22: Arts For Free?
Tues, Sep 27: Competing with Cirque du Soleil
We’re in an information age. There is a lot of information out there at our disposal, but the problem is often locating it. With “You’ve Cott Mail” you will know immediately if the day’s articles cover topics of interest to you. Check it out and see for yourself.
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