Opera in the Ozarks
Opera in the Ozarks at Inspiration Point is a unique training program and festival founded in 1950. Affiliated with the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC), Opera in the Ozarks has earned the reputation of being a prominent training program for all singers interested in pursuing a career in opera. Our alumni have sung on all the major operatic stages of the world. One of the outstanding features of the program is that every participant is afforded an opportunity to perform in fully produced operas, an evening scenes program or an educational outreach program taken to the several areas in Northwest Arkansas. Four weeks of intensive rehearsals under the direction of a professional staff lead to a culminating month of performances over the course of which the season artists continue to grow and develop.
Opera in the Ozarks is located in the northwest corner of Arkansas, seven miles west of beautiful and historic Eureka Springs, on scenic Route 62. One of the most picturesque spots in the south central USA, Inspiration Point is a look-out site perched atop Rock Candy Mountain, between the beautiful White River Valley and Beaver Lake.