Orchestras on Tour
Polyphonic has published several “travelogues” by touring orchestra members. Two writers that are particularly eloquent are Charles Rex, violinist with the New York Philharmonic, and Yvonne Caruthers, recently-retired ‘cellist with the National Symphony.
Charles wrote about the NY Philharmonic’s tours to Vietnam and North Korea. While he was in North Korea in 2007, he sent email descriptions of the trip to several friends. He later agreed to edit these emails into an article for Polyphonic, detailing a fascinating glimpse into an isolated society. When the NY Philharmonic set out for Vietnam in 2009, I asked him to do the same, and his second article is equally fascinating.
Yvonne Carthuers sent us electronic postcards during the National Symphony’s tour of China in 2009. Her account is a wonderful, personal view of a cellist in China. Read the article in reverse order to read her account chronologically.
Polyphonic welcomes “postcards from the road.” If your orchestra is going on tour, consider sending us an account of your trip to create your own travelogue to share with your colleagues.
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