What Is a Brand and Is Yours a Good One – A "Jack of Nothing," How Diversified Should You Be?

August 7, 2011 In: Musicans as Brands, Professionalism

League Conference: George Cohen on Negotiating

July 31, 2011 In: Uncategorized

2011 League Conference: Peter Pastreich on Orchestra Management

July 28, 2011 In: Uncategorized

Guest Bloggers: Quartetutopia by Nicholas Kitchen

July 27, 2011 In: Classical Music, Live Music, Local, Sustainability, Uncategorized

What Is a Brand and Is Yours a Good One—Key Measures of Success

In: Musicans as Brands, Professionalism

League Conference: New American Music Innovation Panel

July 25, 2011 In: Uncategorized

League Conference: Plenary Session Speeches, Part 2

July 22, 2011 In: Uncategorized

What Is a Brand and Is Yours a Good One – Brand Image Associations

July 16, 2011 In: Musicans as Brands, Professionalism

Guest Bloggers: A conversation with Dr. Tom Wolf

July 10, 2011 In: Uncategorized

What Is a Brand and Is Yours a Good One – It's All about Connection

July 9, 2011 In: Musicans as Brands, Professionalism