The Zig-Zag Way: Leading the Orchestra

Editor's Abstract

Gustav Meier, eminent conducting teacher and Music Director of the Bridgeport CT and Lansing MI orchestras, has been working on a book for conducting students and established conductors, putting on paper many of the techniques and musical approaches he has taught for many years. The Score, the Orchestra and the Conductor will be published in August, 2009, by Oxford University Press.
According to his publisher, “Meier demystifies the conductor’s craft with explanations and illustrations of what the conductor must know to attain podium success. He provides useful information from the rudimentary to the sophisticated, and offers specific and readily applicable advice for technical and musical matters essential to the conductor’s first rehearsal with the orchestra.” In addition to sharing his conducting expertise, Maestro Meier also presents a multiple, cross-indexed glossary of orchestral instruments in four languages, an illustrated description of string harmonics, and a comprehensive listing of voice categories, their overlaps, dynamic ranges and repertory.
When I approached Maestro Meier at a Bridgeport Symphony rehearsal about letting excerpt part of his book on Polyphonic, he graciously agreed. Even more graciously, his publishers are offering registered Polyphonic readers a 20% discount on pre-orders for his book. (Note: The book will not be published until August 2009, but you can pre-order now.) Please register with Polyphonic in order to use this promotion code.

Ann Drinan

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