The NACOcasts: Podcasting is changing the way orchestras communicate with audiences

Editor's Abstract

Orchestras are constantly exploring new technologies that can enhance the audience’s appreciation of their concerts, from multi-media concert experiences and digital program notes to new web experiences. Since February 2006, the National Arts Centre Orchestra of Ottawa Canada has been producing bi-monthly 30-minute podcasts featuring their upcoming programs. Polyphonic has been featuring the NACOcast of Gustavo Dudamel on our home page for the past month.
I recently had a fascinating conversation with Chris Millard, host of the NACOcasts and principal bassoon of the NAC Orchestra, and Maurizio Ortolani, NAC’s New Media Producer. They discussed the origins of the podcasts, how they put them together, and the technology they use. Thus far they’ve produced about 30 podcasts on a wide range of topics; click here to explore their offerings and listen, and read on to experience a behind-the-scenes view of the NAC studio.

Ann Drinan

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