Jedi Orchestral Skills

Editor's Abstract

Some of you reading this may be old enough to remember this best selling business book from the 1980s. What They Don’t Teach You at the Harvard Business School, by Mark H. McCormack. It was popular because it talked about street-smarts, and not about the usual courses taught to future MBA’s at Harvard. Christian Woehr’s article, presented here, is a musical parallel for string players, although other instrumentalists, too, may enjoy this insiders view. Chris discusses things not usually taught in music schools, like how to turn a page, the role of the section leader, how to cue and how to make a variety of different entrances. These are all things string players learn to do by doing but are rarely covered in music school. So—enjoy Jedi Orchestral Skills. We look forward to other similar articles from Mr. Woehr.

Ramon Ricker

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