Why Your Website is So Important
June 20, 2017 In: Sound BitsWhen I hear about a particular ensemble, musician, or artist, the first thing I do is…you guessed it…google them. I go to their website to learn more about them and explore their work. If the website is clunky, dated, slow, or hasn’t been updated in a while, I’m probably going to spend about 30 seconds looking around and then leave. Websites allow all kinds of people to view your work and services without actually contacting you. At its best, it can be a great marketing tool. At its worst, it can be turning people away who might otherwise be interested in your work. And this applies for everyone, no matter if you are a venue, an ensemble, a music store, a private music lessons studio, etc. A website is often the first impression of your business that people see. Is your website presenting a good first impression? Does it fit your brand – in other words, does the style communicate your style? Is it easy to navigate? Are you drawing the visitor on the homepage to the things that you most want them to explore? Does your website look and feel professional, or is it mediocre? A good website is like a good cover letter or resume – it can get you to the next step in the process. But a bad website is also like a bad cover letter or resume – it often ends the process for you very quickly. So, take some time to review your website and make sure it is the best it can be. Maybe get some feedback from colleagues, users of the site, or friends. And look for ways to make it better in the short term and the long term.