What is Your Ensemble Doing This Summer?
April 26, 2017 In: Sound BitsRegardless of whether your ensemble is one year old or embarking on its 20th season, the summer is a great time to set some goals and get things done. Sure, it is also a great time to relax a bit. But summer offers an opportunity for many ensembles to spend some dedicated time on current and future projects. If your summer isn’t already booked up, here are a few ideas:
One: Consider planning an artist retreat with your ensemble, or depending on your structure, just the administrative leaders. Spend a couple of days with minimal distractions, set an agenda beforehand, and set goals for the coming year or years, discuss key projects, brainstorm wild and awesome new ideas, and reflect on what you have accomplished. As a bonus, build in some rewards for your hard work – hikes, nice meals, etc.
Two: Record. In today’s music marketplace, high quality media is super important. Take a few days to record repertoire that your ensemble has prepared this season. If possible, do a video or two. Youtube and other social media platforms can be a great way to promote your work to your colleagues, peers, audiences, and others.
Three: Work on branding. Consider updating your website, whether that means adding some new content or doing a complete redesign. Think about having new pictures taken. Perhaps have your press materials refreshed with new pictures, new designs, new quotes or testimonials, etc. How can you refresh your branding so that you can start off next fall feeling ahead and confident?