What is the Music Modernization Act?
May 9, 2018 In: Sound BitsAll musicians should have at least a basic understanding of copyright and related procedures, and this seems to be getting more complicated with the advent of music streaming and the implications on royalties. You may have heard about a new bill called the Music Modernization Act (MMA for short) that has been approved by the House of Representatives and will next be considered by the Senate. The MMA updates a number of out-of-date procedures relating to royalties and, in particular, digital service providers (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.) and how they distribute royalties. The bill has wide-ranging support throughout the music industry and passed the House of Representatives without a single “no” vote. The bill should allow music creators (composers, songwriters, producers) and artists to receive appropriate royalties for their work. For a simple overview of what the MMA will change, click here for a guide from LaPolt Law P.C. & Songwriters of North America, and here for a guide from the House.gov website.