The Eastman Case Studies: Learning Arts Management Skills Through Analysis of Real-World Problems
April 11, 2017 In: PRJC NewsVolume II just released! The Eastman Case Studies is a groundbreaking publication that examines real world situations in musical arts organizations, helping readers to gain knowledge and skills that they can apply to future scenarios of their own. Teacher notes are also available for each case study, which aim to help educators use the case studies in an undergraduate or graduate classroom. The Eastman Case Studies allow students to examine issues and challenges that face today’s musical leaders and place themselves in the role of consultant, charged with assessing business problems and making key decisions in resolving them. Browse the case study topics and see samples here.
Volume II of the Eastman Case Studies features in-depth examinations of The New World Symphony, National Sawdust, Texas Music Educators Association, San Francisco Girls Chorus, and The Industry.