PRJC Grant Program: Applications Due October 1
September 21, 2020 In: PRJC News, Sound BitsApplications for the Paul R. Judy Center Grant Program are due by 11:59pm on October 1, 2020.
As we approach the deadline for the October 1 grant cycle, below are a few resources to assist with developing a compelling proposal.
- 12 Quick Tips for Better Grant Writing by Jay Wilkinson
- How to Write a Music Funding Proposal by Heather McDonald
- Read the Eastman Case Study: Laying the Foundation at the an Francisco Girls Chorus
Details of the PRJC grant program and a link to apply are listed below.
Questions about the PRJC grant program should be directed to
The Paul R. Judy Center for Innovation and Research Grant provides funding for research and innovative projects. The October 2020 and March 2021 Paul R. Judy Center Grant Funding will be reserved for Eastman students, alumni, faculty and staff, and the organizations they represent. Grants will range from $500-$2,000. Grant proposals for $2,000 or less are most likely to be funded, but in special circumstances, higher grant proposals will be considered.
October 2020 and March 2021 Funding Priorities:
- The PRJC recognizes that the music profession must engage in systemic and transformational change on behalf of racial justice. The time is now for all musical arts organizations to take bold and decisive actions to enact structural change. The integrity of the entire music profession – from the individual musician to the largest orchestra – is dependent upon these actions. To that end, this PRJC grant program cycle will support innovative projects and research focused on anti-racism work in the musical arts ecosystem and the achievement of diversity, equity, and inclusion in all elements of our profession. The program will prioritize projects and research that have potential for lasting and sustainable change in our field.
Grant Program Categories:
- Research Support. Interested individuals may submit a proposal to support a research project that aligns with the stated funding priorities. Funding may go toward travel, lodging, or other costs in order to complete the project. [But not food] Research papers/articles produced through a research grant will be eligible for publication in INNOVATE. MUSIC. LEAD., a semi-annual publication by the Eastman School of Music.
- Innovative Projects. Individuals, ad hoc groups, and pre-formed ensembles may apply for support for a project that aligns with the stated funding priorities of the PRJC Grant Program. This category is intentionally broad and may encompass a wide range of activities. A few examples of projects include educational outreach programs, concerts, and recording projects.
Who Can Apply
- The October 2020 and March 2021 Paul R. Judy Center Grant Funding will be reserved for Eastman students, alumni, faculty and staff, and the organizations they represent. There is no restriction in terms of age or professional level. Students are encouraged to apply. Previous grantees are eligible to apply and receive awards each year; there is no restriction on the number of consecutive awards a group or individual can receive. However, priority will be given to groups and individuals who have not previously received an award from this program.
For more information and to apply, CLICK HERE