Our Summer Reading List
May 30, 2018 In: Sound BitsWe are excited to dig into some new books this summer, and our list is below! Do you have books we should add? Send them to us at prjc@esm.rochester.edu.
- The Entrepreneurial Muse: Inspiring Your Career in Classical Music | by Jeffrey Nytch
- The Freelancer’s Bible | by Sara Horowitz and Toni Sciarra Poynter
- Lessons From a Street-Wise Professor: What You Won’t Learn at Most Music Schools | by Ramon Ricker
- Music Marketing for the DIY Musician: Creating and Executing a Plan of Attack on a Low Budget | by Bobby Borg
- Awakening Your Business Brain: An iCadenza Guide to Launching Your Music Career | by Jennifer Rosenfeld and Julia Torgovitskaya
- Road Warrior Without an Expense Account: Rethinking Music Performance for the 21st-Century Musician | by Jason Heath