Do You or Your Ensemble have an Action Plan?
September 13, 2016 In: Sound BitsIt is always good to have a plan. Whether or not we choose to stick to the plan – well, that is another question. An action plan should set out specific goals that you, your ensemble, or your organization want to reach, but you should feel free to change those goals and supporting steps as time goes on. But it’s not just about goals. An action plan goes further than that, thinking about specific steps, skills, timelines, and finances that you need to reach your goals. The action plan template that I like to use is made up of 7 parts:
Artist Mission Statement
Big Goals (5 or less)
Action steps for each Big Goal
Skills you need to achieve your goals
How you will gain/hone those skills
Finances: Income vs. Expenses
Your action plan might look different, but whatever format or template you choose, put down some goals for the next 1, 2, 5, or 10 years. You don’t have to follow your action plan, but you will feel confident with your decisions knowing that you have thought through your goals and having a starting point.