5 Tips for Thriving in Your Work This Fall
August 29, 2018 In: Sound BitsWhether you are a music teacher, a student, a professional performer, an ensemble leader, or something else, chances are you are gearing up for a busy (and hopefully exciting!) fall. Here are a few tips to help you thrive in this upcoming season:
- Take it one day at at a time. It’s easy to become overwhelmed if you think about everything that has to get done this month, this week, etc. While it is important to look ahead and plan ahead, it’s also helpful to take things one step at a time. Have a productive day and give yourself a pat on the back. Repeat.
- Set some goals. This doesn’t have to be scary! Whether you are a list-maker, goal-setter, or just a get-things-done-without-writing-anything-down kind of person, you will likely benefit from thinking about a few short-term goals. What do you want to accomplish this fall? What pieces do you want to learn? What opportunities do you want to pursue? What projects do you want to plan, start, or continue? This helps give you some direction and focus over the next few months.
- Strive for quality, not quantity. Quality will always rise to the top. While our 21st century society wants us to focus on quantity (how many likes, how many followers, etc.) we must prioritize quality.
- Take time to network. Music is a people business. So many opportunities in our field emerge as the result of professional relationships. “Word of mouth” is still hugely powerful in our business.
- Take care of yourself. Get outside – fresh air is good for you! Take breaks. Walk places. Exercise. Eat well. Get plenty of sleep.
Here’s hoping that you have a great fall!